What is a Cookie Croissant Called?

Cookie croissant with gooey filling on a plate.

The cookie croissant, also known as Le Crookie in France, is a delightful hybrid dessert that has taken the culinary world by storm. Combining the flaky, buttery texture of a …


What Color Bell Pepper Is the Healthiest?

An assortment of green, red, yellow, and orange bell peppers.

Bell peppers are not only vibrant and delicious but also packed with essential nutrients that benefit your health. Their variety of colors—green, red, yellow, and orange—provides a unique nutritional profile …


What Are Five Hottest Peppers?

A vibrant display of the five hottest peppers.

For spice enthusiasts, the allure of hot peppers lies in their intense heat and unique flavors. With a scale to measure their spiciness—the Scoville Heat Scale (SHU)—the hottest peppers challenge …
